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Writer's pictureHuiying Elaine

Theories of Asian Architecture


This project is research driven that requires student to research and discuss significant issues to generate a understanding of tradition, modernity and globalization in Asian Architecture contexts.

Progress 01 :Form Group

Form a group of 6-7. The group needs to identify issue and confirm a site from Project 1. Expand your study of the building by finding the issue, present the solutions and case study. Choose one of the category below:

1. Architecture and place identity

2. Sustainable heritage tourism

3. Cultural Space in Cities

4. Adaptive reuse of traditional architecture

Progress 02: Site Confirmed

We have selected the site: GUAN DI TEMPLE as our research building. Once the direction is determined, you need to conduct extensive literature reviews, to identify specific issues/significance of study and then define specific scope of study.

Progress 03: Generate a good research title and research proposal

We were required to generate a good research title that reflects the research intention and specific scope of study, within the framework of the selected research area and significance of study.

Progress 04: Research Poster (A1 Size)

We need to produce a research poster to provide a visual representation of our findings. Depending on the scope of study, we may use examples of other relevant architecture design in Asia, to support our discussions and arguments.

Progress 05: Seminar Presentation

In the final stages, we were required to present our research through slide.

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